Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pick and roll to the finals? Probably not!

“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” 
― Albert Einstein

What can you say about a man that can only write up offensive schemes in a world of "defense wins championships"? 

Mike Antoni (no D in his coaching, no D in his name) is in his last year of his contract with the New York Knicks. A contract that paid him 24 million for 4 years and what has been the results? At times, the Knicks looked exciting especially in the Felton/Stat days, but overall one playoff appearance in three years (getting swept by Boston in the first round last year). We may not be able to commend Antoni for his coaching, but he's quite the thief! Robbing the MSG honchos without a gun!

117 wins in three and a half years?

It's time to get a coach who is a teacher, understands personalities of stars, can convince players to play a role and stick to it for the good of the team, who is known for spending at least an hour each practice on fundamentals such as how to inbound the ball. 

It's time to get Phil Jackson!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back!!!!
    It's unfair to judge Mike (d) Antoni for the last three years. We knew when we got him this team would stink. The first two years was getting under the salary cap. Last year was getting the stars. This year and next is getting the role players. To say Antoni can't win a championship simply because he hasn't yet is absurd. We hit the lotto with Lin. But he has been successful because he has the freedom to run around with Antoni as coach. With Carmelo and STAT on the wings and Chandler setting the high screens the court will be wide open for Lin to penetrate and dish out. And once Davis and Harrelson(who by the way hasn't been mentioned but has enormous potential in this system) come back, and if the knicks sign another shooter (jr smith maybe?), (and, am I using to many ands?), this becomes a deep, complete team that fits into Mike's coaching style. Big Chief Triangle would implement his damn overrated triangle offense that i don't see maximizing Amare and Lin. The Zen Master is a great coach when you got MJ, Shaq, or Kobe but Carmelo ain't MJ/Kobe and Chandler ain't no shaq. Andddd... Chandler, Jefferies, and Shump are slowly becoming a strong defensive lineup. I'm not saying this as a Knicks fan, I'm saying this as a basketball fan.. With Mike D( the D is back!) Antoni..and once this team gets Carmelo acclimated...And if the Knick get another shooter(still a lot of ands)... This team can compete for a title.
